Follow guidelines on website for preparing your items. We'll print your labels! Plan for 30 minutes per 100 items. After your items are checked in you will be responsible for putting them on the floor.
We will close the database at midnight, unless we reach capacity early in which case the database will close sooner!! I will keep you posted!!
$15 - MUST have a ticket for this shopping time. This same ticket will also get in you for Platinum half-price presale (Oct 14 @3pm). CAN BRING A GUEST!!!
MUST bring consignor pass. (handed out at consignor check-in) CAN BRING A GUEST!! FREE TO OUR CONSIGNORS.
$5 - MUST have a ticket for this shopping time. This ticket will also get you in for Silver half-price presale (Oct 14 @4pm). CAN BRING A GUEST!!!
Register as a Mom-to-be!! Military-must have military ID. Teachers-must have school ID. This ticket will also get you in for Mom-2-Be half-price presale (Oct 14 @4:30pm). BRING A GUEST!!!
MUST have pass from Facebook or Instagram. COMPLETELY FREE!! BRING A GUEST!!!!
Open to the public! Bring a friend! Completely FREE We have lots of items you NEED!!
MUST bring ticket that you receive pre-sale night. BRING A GUEST!!!
MUST bring ticket that you receive pre-sale night. BRING A GUEST!!!
MUST bring ticket that you receive pre-sale night. or Buy a Bronze ticket for $5 cash at door. BRING A GUEST!!!
Must have pass from Facebook or Instagram! COMPLETELY FREE!! BRING A GUEST!!!
Many items half price! #DOT IS NOT. If the tag has a red dot it is not half off and it has NO RED DOT is half off.
Pickup your CHECK with your unsold items!!! Must have your ID. Please text or Facebook message if someone else is picking up your items and check for you!!